Nimbra 140 Media Adapters, Минск

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Описание товара

The Nimbra 140 series of Media Adapters extends the Nimbra reach and includes an array of high-quality, cost effective broadcast appliances. These include O/E converters, wavelength/TDM multiplexers, audio embedders and optical failover switches. Nimbra 140 is ideal for aggregation of video, audio and data services to the Nimbra 600 and Nimbra 300 series MSRs.

The Nimbra 140 series is a range of high quality broadcast appliances providing cost-effective and compact access optical solutions for studios, playout centers, remote production facilities and BMN affiliates. The Nimbra 140 series is divided into two product categories:

  • The Multiservice Modular System is a modular architecture providing O/E conversion, audio embedding, TDM multiplexing, optical failover switches and CWDM filters. The Multiservice Modular System is available in various form-factors; stand-alone, smaller enclosures and 19’’ subracks. The subracks can optionally be fitted with a network monitoring module, providing integrated management through the Nimbra Vision NMS. Support for redundant power supplies, ensures trouble free operation and true carrier-class availability.
  • The Fiber Link Access System provides simple, cost effective and high-density point-to-point links using compact video O/E and E/O converter modules that can be used standalone or mounted in a compact 19” frame.

The Nimbra 140 series constitutes a perfect complement to the Nimbra 600/300 series of MSRs for aggregating video/audio/data traffic in the access network and preparing it for transport over the media services network.

Multiservice Modular System

Chassis and power supplies:

• 19’’ 3RU chassis with 15 slots. Optional network monitoring. Dual power feeding, AC or -48V DC options.

• 19’’ 1RU chassis with 6 slots. Optional network monitoring. Dual power feeding, AC.

• 3 slot enclosure. AC power feeding.

3G/HD/SD-SDI & ASI Transmitters and Receivers (rack-mounted):

• Single or Dual channel. Auto-Sensing and re-clocking for SDI, ASI, HD-SDI and 3G-SDI.

3G/HD/SD/SDI Transmitters and Receivers with Audio embedding:

• Transmitter/Receiver cards with 8 x Analog audio (de-)embedders

• Transmitter/Receiver cards with 4 x AES/EBU audio (de-)embedders

Video, audio and data multiplexers:

• Video multiplexer. 1 x HD-SDI + 3 x SD-SDI multiplexed to 1 x 3G-SDI compatible signal. Electrical or Optical 3G-SDI output.

• Video de-multiplexer. 1 x HD-SDI + 3 x SD-SDI de-multiplexed from 1 x 3G-SDI compatible signal. Electrical or Optical 3G-SDI input.

• Video/Audio/Data multiplexer. 1 x HD-SDI + 3 x SD-SDI + 8 x analog audio + 2 x RS232 (uni-dir) + 2 x RS422 (uni-dir)multiplexed to 1 x 3G-SDI compatible signal. Electrical or Optical 3G-SDI output. (Consumes 2 slots).

• Video/Audio/Data de-multiplexer. 1 x HD-SDI + 3 x SD-SDI + 8 x analog audio + 2 x RS232 (uni-dir) + 2 x RS422 (uni-dir)multiplexed from 1 x 3G-SDI compatible signal. lectrical or Optical 3G-SDI input. (Consumes 2 slots).

• HD/Genlock/Data remote end multiplexer. 1 x HD-SDI transmitter + Genlock receiver + bi-directional RS232/422 data on 2 fibers

• HD/Genlock/Data base end multiplexer. 1 x HD-SDI receiver + Genlock transmitter + bi-directional RS232/422 data on 2 fibers

• HD/Genlock/Eth/Data remote end multiplexer. 1 x HD-SDI transmitter + Genlock receiver + bi-dir RS232/422 data + bi-dir 10/100 Eth on 2 fibers

• HD/Genlock/Eth/Data base end multiplexer. 1 x HD-SDI receiver + Genlock transmitter + bi-dir RS232/422 data + bi-dir 10/100 Eth on 2 fibers

Ethernet to fiber converters:

• 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
• 1000 Mbps Ethernet

Distribution amplifiers:

• 1 in, 5 out re-clocking HD-SDI, SDI and ASI distribution amplifier.

Splitters and Switches:

• 1 input, 2 output Optical Splitter

• 2 input, 1 output Optical Change-over Switch

Video SFP Modules:

• Singlemode dual channel video SFP transmitter 1310nm

• Singlemode dual channel video SFP transmitter 1 x 1310nm TX, 1 x 1550nm TX

• Singlemode dual channel video SFP wideband receiver

• Singlemode dual channel video SFP transceiver 1 x 1310nm TX, 1 x wideband receiver


• Singlemode dual channel video CWDM SFP transmitter X nm /X + 20 nm. X = 1290, 1310, 1350, 1390, 1270, 1510, 1550, 1690 nm

• 2, 4 or 8 wavelengths (de-)multiplexers

Fiber Link Access System

High Density 1RU System:

• Compact 14 slot system for transport of up to 28 3G-SDI

• Single or dual channel mini plug-in transmitter or receiver modules

Standalone units: • Single or Dual Channel 3G-SDI, HD-SDI Fiber Optic Transmitter Module, Auto-Sensing for SDI, ASI, HD-SDI and 3G-SDI.Спецификация

Характеристики Nimbra 140 Media Adapters

  • — Производитель: Net Insight
  • — Страна производитель: Швеция

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Служебная информация

  • «Nimbra 140 Media Adapters» можно найти в следующей категории: «Студийные и репортерские микрофоны».

  • Предложение было создано 15.09.2013, дата последнего обновления - 13.04.2020.

  • За это время предложение было просмотрено 261 раз.

Часы работы:
Nimbra 140 Media Adapters