Nimbra 380 - Flexible MSR and IP Media Gateway, Минск

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Описание товара

The Nimbra 380 MSR combines native video/audio service transport with carrier-class Metro Ethernet switching to provide a highquality multiservice solution for demanding applications in the media and broadcast industry.

Nimbra 380 is a flexible access and edge MSR for true multiservice transport, targeting the increasing need for advanced Ethernet services and IP QoS transport. Applications range from high-end video services such as studio production and contribution, to broadcast distribution in IPTV/Cable TV or DTT/Mobile networks.

The Nimbra 380 can optionally be augmented by a unique Time Transfer functionality, to provide near-GPS quality timing via fiber for reliable and independent timing support.

  • Lossless routing. From ingress port to egress port, a Nimbra MSR never loses a single packet. Lossless routing is possible thanks to dedicated QoS allocation per service, together with Net Insight’s unique time synchronization.
  • QoS enhanced links. At each hop, the Nimbra MSR performs specific tasks to improve the QoS of the underlying IP network. This functionality consists of Forward Error Correction to reduce packet loss, traffic shaping to facilitate resource allocation and resynchronization to reduce jitter and wander.
  • Service-centric network management. In a Nimbra MSR network, each service can be provisioned, monitored and protected individually, on demand and on an end-to-end basis.
  • True multiservice transport - Ethernet, ASI, SDI, AES/EBU, E1/T1, DS3/E3 and STM-1 can be transported on the same platform
  • Advanced Ethernet functionality - Nimbra 380 provides full Ethernet switching capabilities, including support for private Line/LAN/Tree services, to fit virtually all services carried over Ethernet.
  • Time Transfer - Unique high-quality timing via fibre for reliable GPS free synchronization.
  • Versatile uplink configuration - Configurable built-in trunk ports for QoS transport over SDH/Sonet and IP/Ethernet
  • Carrier class - With support for redundant power supplies, in-service hardware swap, various protection switching mechanisms and extensive fault- and performance monitoring, Nimbra 380 ensures reliable and trouble-free operation.

All features and characteristics including QoS and automatic end-to-end routing are maintained in combined networks where the Nimbra 380 is typically placed at access sites, connecting to the larger Nimbra 600 series switches in central parts of the network.

Dimensions: H: 88 mm (3.5"), W: 445 mm (17.5"), D: 240 mm (9.4")(ETSI 300) Number of slots:


Switch capacity: 5 Gbps

Fixed ports:
Alarm I/O

8 x Gigabit Ethernet, RJ45
4 x multirate SFP for STM-1 can be upgraded to
4 x STM-4, 2 x STM-16 or 2 x IP/Ethernet
DSUB-9, 6 inputs / 1 output

Internal oscillator
Time Transfer option

2.048 or 1.544 MHz, G.703.13
2.048 MHz, G.703.13
Stratum 3
2 x 1 PPS + 2 x 10 MHz, 50 Ohm BNC, in or out

Environmental conditions:
Operating temperature
(short term)
Storage temperature
Relative humidity

5 to 40 ºC (41 to 104 ºF)
-5 to 55 ºC (23 to 131 ºF)
-40 to 70ºC (-40 to 156 ºF)
10% to 90% (non-condensing)


-48VDC with built-in redundancy
115/230VAC with external converter
< 90W fully equipped

Regulatory compliance:
Laser safety
CE marking

UL60950-1; EN60950-1
CFR 21 1040.10/11
FCC 15 Class A; EN 300 386

Element Management
Network Manegement

Command Line Interface (CLI) and Web GUI
Nimbra Vision™ or 3rd party NMS over SNMP v1/v2c/v3


Характеристики Nimbra 380 - Flexible MSR and IP Media Gateway

  • — Производитель: Net Insight
  • — Страна производитель: Швеция

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Товар был добавлен на сайт 15/09/2013, дата последнего изменения - 13/04/2020. За все время товар был просмотрен 564 раза.

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Nimbra 380 - Flexible MSR and IP Media Gateway