Growth media, Минск

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Описание товара

Broth for the growth of microorganisms
Agar for the growth of microorganisms
Medium for the isolation of salmonella & shigella (SS-agar )
Medium for the isolation of shigella & salmonella (Ploskirev agar)
Medium forthe isolation & identification of pathogenic enterobacteria (XLD-agar)
Broth for the enrichment of Rappaport-Vassiliadis salmonella (RVS broth)
Eosin-methylene blue medium (Levine medium)
Medium for the isolation of enterobacteria (Endo agar)
Medium for the isolation of salmonella (Bismuth sulphite agar)
Medium for the detection of coliform bacteria (Kessler medium)
Medium for the isolation and differentiation of E.coli 157:H7 (Sorbitol agar Е. COLI 0157:Н7)
Medium for the detection and isolation of E.coli, coliforms and intestinal pathogens (MacConkey agar)
Medium for prior test for the presence of E.coli and coliform bacteria (MacConkey broth)
Medium for the detection of common coliform bacteria and Е.Coli in test specimens (fluorogenic selective infusion broth (FS-broth)
Medium for the detection and isolation of enterobacteria (SDS-broth)
Medium for the detection of enterobacteria (Kligler agar)
Medium for the detection of enterobacteria (Hiss medium) with sucrose (mannite, glucose, maltose)
Medium for the primary detection of enterobacteria (Russell medium)
Medium for the identification of enterobacteria on grounds of utilization of sodium citrate (Koser medium)
Medium for the detection of enterobacteria (iron -glucose-lactose agar with urea)
Medium for the detection of enterobacteria (acetate agar)
Medium for the detection of E.coli and coliform bacteria on the basis of lactose fermentation (Eykman medium with lactose)
Medium for the detection of E.coli and coliform bacteria on the basis of glucose fermentation (Eykman medium with glucose)
Medium for the isolation and growth of campylobacteria C(ampylobacter agar)
Medium for the isolation of intestinal yersiniosis and pseudotuberculosis (Yersinia agar)
Medium for the isolation of corynebacteria (Corynebacagar)
Corynetoksagar (medium for determination of toxigenicity of diphtheria germs)
Medium for the isolation of corynebacteria on the test of cysteine cleavage (Pizu medium)
Medium for isolation and growth of pertussis microbe (Bordetella agar)
Medium for the isolation and growth of meningococcus (Meningococcus agar)
Medium for the isolation of enterococci (Enterococcus agar)
Medium for the isolation of staphylococcus (Staphylococcus agar)
Medium for the isolation of gonococcus (GNC-agar)
Medium for the growth and isolation of bifidobacteria (Bifidum medium)
Medium for the isolation and growth of lactobacillius (Lactobact agar)
Medium for the isolation and growth of clostridia on the basis of sulphite (Sulphite agar)
Medium for the isolation and growth of yeast and mold fungi (Sabouraud maltose agar)
Medium for the growth of funghi (Sabouraud meat broth)
Medium for the growth of microorganisms (meat peptone agar)
Medium for the growth of microorganisms (meat peptone broth)
Medium for the growth of different microorganisms (Hottinger agar)
Medium for the growth of different microorganisms (Hottinger broth)
Medium for the growth of funghi (Sabouraud broth enzymatic)
Medium for the growth and calculation of yeast and mold fungi (Sabouraud agar)
Medium for the growth and calculation of yeast and mold fungi (Sabouraud agar)
Medium for the growth of bifidobacteria (Blaurock medium)
Medium for the growth of coccal bacteria group (sugar broth)
Medium for the growth and isolation of Haemophilus influenzae (Haemophilus agar)
Medium for the isolation of pathogens of purulent bacterial meningitis (chocolate agar)
Medium for the growth and isolation of microbe tularemia

Характеристики Growth media

  • — Бренд: Fenox Medical Solutions
  • — Страна производитель: Беларусь

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Технические сведения:

  • предложение было размещено на сайте 15.06.2017, время изменения – 15.06.2017. Следите за обновлениями на ресурсе, чтобы не пропустить стоящую внимания информацию;
  • «Growth media» находятся в категориях: «Медицина, фармацевтика, оборудование», «Медицинское оборудование», «Лабораторное оборудование», «Химреактивы и расходные материалы», «Среды питательные лабораторные». Там же вам предоставляется возможность увидеть прочие товары или услуги, которые могут быть вам интересны;
  • количество просмотров сведений на представленной странице – 96 раз.

Growth media