Activated arc metallization system, Минск
Описание товара
Аctivated arc metallization (AAM) unit is a modern multipurpose system. It combine the advantages of traditional electric arc metallization and high-velocity spraying of metal.
The main distinctive feature of AAM is the presence of compact high efficiency propane-air mix combustion chamber. Hypersonic jet of the mix has at the output the speed of 1500 m/sec and the temperature of 2200 0K.
High-speed jet force expressed as kinetic energy - gas volume ratio that describes the force applied to a jet particle amounts to 75 000 kg/m ∙ sec2 for traditional arc spraying, 14 000 kg/m ∙ sec2 for plasma spraying and 234 000 kg/m*sec2 for AAM units.
That allows the particles of molten metal to accelerate in the stream up to 500 m/sec and form a coating having adhesive strength is more than twice higher than in the traditional electric arc metallization (EAM). This is enough to work in the most extreme conditions and in cases of shock-abrasive wear.
Using a products of combustion propane-air mixture as a atomizing gas can significantly reduce oxidation of the spraying metal material and burning of alloying elements.
Furthermore, under high velocity spraying occurs variation of the coefficient of the concentration of the material in the stream in the direction to increase it, since the divergence angle of the two-phase supersonic jets less than subsonic and its value is 5 - 7 degrees. As a consequence, the spot diameter of the spraying decreases and the coefficient of material utilization increases. When AAM coefficient reaches 0.85 compared with 0.75 at the traditional arc spraying.
Conditions of formation, particle transport and formation of coatings differ from other methods of thermal spraying and lead to the formation of other structures in the coating material. Small amount of brittle oxides, a significant amount of intermetallic compounds, along with the formation of hardening structures and sufficient ductility sprayed layer create the preconditions for the use of this method in completely new areas of technology and significantly expand the range of workpieces.
Steel coatings have a porosity of 2-4%, the density of the coating of aluminum alloy practically close to the density of the cast material. This factor is especially important when applied in anti-corrosive coatings as thus achieved a considerable saving of material applied by reducing the coating thickness needed to close "through porosity" and increases the life of the coatings.
High performance - traditional dignity arc spraying (performance AAM-10 is 18.4 kg / hr). Ionization of the inter-electrode space reduces the arc current of 10 - 15% at the same performance as that of a traditional arc spraying.
The fact that the combustion chamber works on a propane - air mix is an important advantage of AAM units. The absence of need for oxygen as a fuel oxidizer considerably reduces the cost of coatings, increases its durability and safety of work. Original design of the combustion chamber, use of an effective combustion catalyst, absence of chamber water cooling and presence of automatic mix firing make the unit more reliable and the personal work more easy.
Technical Specifications
Diameter of wire used
1.2 - 2.2
Speed of wire feed, m/min.
0 - 6.3
Arc working current, A
Material use coefficient, not less
Use of air at 6 atmospheres, m3/hour
Use of gas (propane - butane), m3/hour
0.8 - 1,2
Size of the unit, mm
Weight of the unit, kg
Productivity with 2mm wire, kg/hour
steel wire
aluminum wire
A wire used as a material for spraying can be made of any metal (zinc, aluminum, copper, brass, bronze, carbonated and stainless steel, nickel-chrome alloy, tungsten etc.) as well as flux cored wire. A combination of any two wires is also possible.
The producers of the equipment have considered national and foreign experience of building and operating the units of high-speed and arc metal spraying. The advantages of the equipment are:
- ¨ fast and easy replacement of wire and transfer from one diameter to another
- ¨ high electric and thermal protection
- ¨ no need to adjust equipment
- ¨ fast access to all parts of the unit
- ¨ simple and fast replaceable current collectors
- ¨ replacement of feed rollers without disassembling of the unit
- ¨ module assembling - fast maintenance and repair
Stability of the process, long periods of non-stop operation are guaranteed by the design, high quality components and qualified assembling.
Industrial application fields:
- restoring shaft journals of all types of crankshafts, including those of heavy loaded diesel engines;
- applying of anti-corrosion coatings at tube and plain surfaces, interior and exterior surfaces of vessels stationary and in field;
- restoring places for installation of bearings, stuffing-boxes etc;
- production and recovery of hydraulic cylinders.
Характеристики Activated arc metallization system
- — Страна производитель: Беларусь
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