офсетные пластины
Описание товара
Пластины офсетные термальные для CtP, позитивные, двухслойные.
RX-3600 Thermal CTP (Double Layer)
General Information
Plate Type
Fast thermal digital plate, positive working; optional post bake for longer runs
Medium run and UV print application
Electrochemically Grained and Anodized Aluminum Substrate
Aluminum alloy
Standard 1052 Alloy / EN AW 1052A
Two-layer system, IR sensitive, positive acting
0.15,0.20, 0.25,0.30, 0.40mm
Maximum short grain width
Plate intermix
Fuji Brilla LH-PJE, LH-PLE, LH-PJ2 or Brilla LP-NV2, Agfa Energy Elite or Amigo, Kodak Sworld Ultra Plate, Kodak Trillia SP, Kodak Electra Excel HRL/HRO plate
Length of Run[1]
Unbaked: UV ink 30,000 impressions, normal ink 100,000 impressions
Baked: 1 million impressions
Platesetter compability
All the main brands in the market:
Kodak: Trendsetter/Lotem/Magnus;
Fuji: Javelin T9000HS, Heidelberg Topsetter/Suprasetter,
Luscher: Xpose Platesetter, etc.
Exposure energy
100-110 mJ/m²
Spectral Sensitivity
800-850 nm – Peaks 830nm
1-99% & 250 lpi
FM capability
20 micron stochastic
Image color
Dark blue
All the main brands in the market such as Kodak, Agfa, Fuji etc.
JRT 8-9 developer, also other developers provided by Kodak, Agfa, Fuji.
Processing temperature
23°C +/- 1°C
Dwell time
15-20 sec
Developer Rate
80-90 ml/m², depending on use
Plate Finisher
JRT 8-9 plate finisher, Kodak Multigum Plate Finisher, AGFA RC795, etc.
UV ink compatibility
Applicable with UV inks
Finisher rate
30 ml/m²
Storage and handling
Daylight handling
Shelf Life
18 months under recommended storage conditions
Available in all standard formats, including bulk packaging options such as APL packaging
Storage and handling
Unopened plates should be stored in the original pack in a cool and dry environment, away from excessive cold, heat and humidity.
Use in a controlled environment of 30-70 % RH and 5-30 C°
RX-3600 Thermal CTP (Double Layer)
General Information
Plate Type
Fast thermal digital plate, positive working; optional post bake for longer runs
Medium run and UV print application
Electrochemically Grained and Anodized Aluminum Substrate
Aluminum alloy
Standard 1052 Alloy / EN AW 1052A
Two-layer system, IR sensitive, positive acting
0.15,0.20, 0.25,0.30, 0.40mm
Maximum short grain width
Plate intermix
Fuji Brilla LH-PJE, LH-PLE, LH-PJ2 or Brilla LP-NV2, Agfa Energy Elite or Amigo, Kodak Sworld Ultra Plate, Kodak Trillia SP, Kodak Electra Excel HRL/HRO plate
Length of Run[1]
Unbaked: UV ink 30,000 impressions, normal ink 100,000 impressions
Baked: 1 million impressions
Platesetter compability
All the main brands in the market:
Kodak: Trendsetter/Lotem/Magnus;
Fuji: Javelin T9000HS, Heidelberg Topsetter/Suprasetter,
Luscher: Xpose Platesetter, etc.
Exposure energy
100-110 mJ/m²
Spectral Sensitivity
800-850 nm – Peaks 830nm
1-99% & 250 lpi
FM capability
20 micron stochastic
Image color
Dark blue
All the main brands in the market such as Kodak, Agfa, Fuji etc.
JRT 8-9 developer, also other developers provided by Kodak, Agfa, Fuji.
Processing temperature
23°C +/- 1°C
Dwell time
15-20 sec
Developer Rate
80-90 ml/m², depending on use
Plate Finisher
JRT 8-9 plate finisher, Kodak Multigum Plate Finisher, AGFA RC795, etc.
UV ink compatibility
Applicable with UV inks
Finisher rate
30 ml/m²
Storage and handling
Daylight handling
Shelf Life
18 months under recommended storage conditions
Available in all standard formats, including bulk packaging options such as APL packaging
Storage and handling
Unopened plates should be stored in the original pack in a cool and dry environment, away from excessive cold, heat and humidity.
Use in a controlled environment of 30-70 % RH and 5-30 C°
Товары, похожие на ОФСЕТНЫЕ ПЛАСТИНЫ СТР RX-3600
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