продадим мишину TRIULZI, Брест

Цена: 28 500 €
за 1 ед.

Описание товара

Washing and drying frame made of stainless steel
Glass thickness up to 12 mmEntry conveyor mm 2500 with independent motor drive. Section with pedal.
Prewash Section with sprayers (Front + Rear)
Wash section with two (2) pairs of cylindrical brushes and one (1) water tank/pump/filters with heating system (1 x 6 kW), with cover
Rinse section Section with sprayers (Front + Rear) with water tank/pump/filters, cold water, with cover
Imperative on rinse section: osmosis/demi water.
Conductivity kit to check the quality of the water
Drying Section with one (1) pair of air knives and one (1) high-pressure fan on box. Air damper and timer on fan.
Exit conveyor mm 1600 with independent motor drive. Button for long glasses, inspection lights. Section complete with roof and removable plexiglass panel for security.Total length: mm 6030 approx.
Voltage V.380 – 50 Hz – 3 Ph
Working height from floor: 1200+-50 mm
Working speed: from 2 to 5 m/min Inverter controlled
Glass thickness: from 2 to 12 mm (occasionally 14 mm)
Working direction: from Left to Right
Electrical cabinet
Electromechanical panel

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продадим мишину TRIULZI