FLY100 Honda Scanner Full Version, Минск
Описание товара
FLY 100 Honda scanner full version can do diagnose and key programming at same time.It can only do Honda cars,compared with FLY100 locksmith version.
Support Honda & Acura car from 1992 to 2008 year.
FLY100 Honda scanner Full version
Honda functions include:
1.DTC reading and clearing (allows the user to read both permanent and temporary DTCs. Once the fault causing the DTC has been found and repaired the DTC tool can then be used to clear DTCs. )
2.Snapshot function (capture data relative to a trigger event)
3.Vehicle data display (value, line graph, or bar graph formats)
4.DLC locator diagrams
5.Data list display (real-time display of ECU parameters)
6.System Functional Tests (allows for more detailed testing of specific parts of the vehicle systems, «where the ECU"support these tests (e.g. Window movement, Lighting, Vehicle Gauges and engine components) )
7.Onboard tutorial
9.Odometer Rewrite
Special function:It can do smart keys. No need to input password. The machine automatically calculate the password and enter the IMMO system.
1.Hardware and software requirements:
1) PC or laptop with either Windows 2000 Professional (SP4 or later) or XP (SP1 or later)
2) Hard disk drive with at least 400MB of free space
3) CD-ROM drive (if a high-speed Internet connection is not available)
4) RS232 port required to connect PC to IDT
5) Monitor capable of displaying in VGA mode or above (1024 x 768 recommended)
6) Use for the following cars: All Honda model (Honda & Acura from 1992 to 2008)
2.Honda Electronic Control System:
1) Engine System
2) Theft Guard System
3) No key enter system, support serial and USB.
4) Antiblock system
5) Safty airbag system
6) Electronic air throttle system
7) Electronic booster system
8) Body electric system
9) Four-wheel turning system
10) ATTS
11) IMA
12) VTM-4
13) TPMS
Package Including:
1x FLY100 full version main unit
1x OBD2 cable
1x USB Cable
1x 3pin Cable
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Дата создания модели - 29/08/2013, дата последнего изменения - 07/10/2013. За это время товар был просмотрен 152 раза.