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Описание товара

ALLSCANNER is the latest automotive diagnostic tool. It was designed by the new international standard, it can identify different vehicles intelligently, and it can support all vehicles in the market.
ALLSCANNER TOYOTA ITS3 Tool Without Bluetooth Version

This version do not have bluetooth.

VCX is the latest diagnostic software platform of ALLScanner, be used with hardware of VCX,the characters be shown as below:
Diagnostic software can be operated under WinCE and Windows, available installation for Laptop or PDA.
Automotive Diagnostic language (VDL) exploitation platform based on XML by self-determination and high efficiency
database management system, these will make it easily to explore the vehicles.

Special Function for optional
1.Support diagnostic software of TOYOTA TIS Techstream to realize same function as that.
2.Support diagnostic software of BENZ STAR ( CAN BUS,this function in developing)
3.Support diagnostic software of BMW INPA to realize same function as that (this function in developing)
4.Support diagnostic software of NISSAN Consult-III,On developing.
5.Support diagnostic software of HONDA HDS,On developing.
6.Support diagnostic software of FORD VCM IDS,On developing.
7.J2534 Reprogramming Capability.

Attention: ALLSCANNER ITS3 now have software for honda and toyota. Other software still in developing.


1.ITEM State

CPU 16 digit Dual Cell specialize CPU
Diagnostic Port 24PIN, self-determination design
Wireless Port 802.11b/g WIFI wireless
LED 4 LED indicator light,indicate power and status.
Power DC 9V-28V
Consumption 3W
Size 156 (L) x86 (W) x35 (H) mm
Working Temperature -20°C~70 °C
Storage Temperature -40°C~85 °C

2.Product Feature

1) Adopt 16 digit Dual Cell specialize CPU, Full compliant with all vehicles protocols.
2) Use standard 802.11b/g WIFI wireless,connect easy to network, or connect to Laptop to realize wireless diagnosis.
3) Diagnostic software accord with international standard, collocate communication port flexibly, less connectors
4) Self-determination design for connectors and cables.
5) Compliant with 12V and 24V communication, Support heavy duty vehicles.
6) Hardware accord with CE and FCC standard.
7) support almost all vehicles socket.

Package Including:

VCX Diagnostic box, the communicate bridge between mainunit and vehicles.
Connector Connect to vehicle diagnostic socket.
Wire connect RS232 serial port,115200bps
CD Driver

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Служебная информация

  • «ALLSCANNER TOYOTA ITS3 Tool» и другие подобные предложения можно найти в категории: «Оборудование для автомобильного сервиса, общее».

  • Предложение было создано 29.08.2013, дата последнего обновления - 14.11.2013.

  • С начала размещения предложение было просмотрено 188 раз.