AD900 Pro Key Programmer, Минск

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AD900 key programmer version 2.21.It can read out and has detail explanation for such transponders as: 11,12,13,T5,33,40,41,42,44,45,4C.AD900 key programmer can program the eeprom of ecu and programming key.
New function added: 8C and 8E chip read.AD900 with 4D copier function.

New function added: 8C and 8E chip It can recongnize 8C and 8E chip and read information from it.


AD900 can read out and has detail explanation for such transponders as: 11,12,13,T5,33,40,41,42,44,45.


1.4D pincode explanation function.

2.Support on copying these transponder: 13,33,T5,40,41,42,44,45 and 4C.

3.Can write and unlock for the special transponders:
1) Change the pincode for Kia and Hyundai.
2) Unlock the ID 48 Transponder, ID 33 for Renault, ID 46 for Renault, ID 41 for Nissan and ID 42 for VW.

4.Can use to program the EEPROM on the ECU.
1) Get rid of removing the proceture for reading pincode and reset the ecu.
2) With ECU picture and EEPROM code explanation.

5.AD900 come with the Hitag 2 function.
Support on programming the transponder key and remote for Audi A8, VW Touareg,VW Phaeton,English BENTLEY, and BMW E38, E39, E46, E53, E60, E61, E63, E64, E65, E66, E87, E90, E91, E92, EWS3, EWS3+, EWS4, CAS, CAS2, CAS3.

Package list:

1pc x AD900 Main Unit
1pc x USB Cable
1pc x AC Adapter
1pc x CD


Q: What is the version of AD900?
A: This is the newest version 2.21
Q: Do i need to remove immo box when use AD900 to do key program?
A: If you have the key which can start your car,you do not need to remove immo box and remove can directly use your key to copy key.
Q: What kind of chip this AD900 can do?
A: There is one file on our website in the download area,maked all the chips this product can do.
Q: Can this product been updated?
A: Yes,this product can be updated,but need customer send the main unit back to us for update.
Q: What is the special of your AD900?
A: Our AD900 have special chip PF7935 precoded,for copy chip 40,41,42,44,45.

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На нашей торговой площадке для удобства, каждой компании присвоен уникальный код. Bestdiag имеет ID 94070. AD900 Pro Key Programmer имеет код на сайте - 1186788. Если у вас обнаружились сложности при сотрудничестве с компанией Bestdiag – сообщите идентификаторы компании и товара/услуги в нашу службу по работе с клиентами.

Дата создания модели - 29/08/2013, дата последнего изменения - 07/10/2013. С начала размещения товар был просмотрен 173 раза.

AD900 Pro Key Programmer