ACI Scanner Auto Communication Interface, Минск
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ACI Auto Communication Interface is 100% compatible with AUTO ENGIUITY OE-LEVEL software, ACI scan tool supports all Enhanced Options.
ACI Auto Communication Interface is 100% compatible with AUTO ENGIUITY
OE-LEVEL software, ACI scan tool supports all Enhanced Options.
OE-Level Coverage (Enhanced Interfaces)
Independent service shops and vehicle tuners require more information than what OBDII can provide to do their job effectively. Since the OBDII standard covers only emissions-related powertrain systems and sensors, there is more information you won’t be able to see with a generic OBDII scan tool. With our enhanced interface options, you can get factory tool-like capabilities; allowing you to access hundreds of systems (ABS,airbags, instrument cluster, etc. ), sensors, and system/component-level bi-directional controls so you can do your job faster and with a greater degree of accuracy.
ACI supports non-OBDII and European models. For example, due to their excessive vehicular weight trucks like the Ford Super Duty, Chevy Duramax, and Dodge are not required to be OBDII compliant. But with our enhanced interface options you can now access the diagnostics capabilities of these vehicles.
ACI Scan Tool is a professional PC diagnostics scan tool for all OBDII (OBD2) and EOBD IV+ compliant vehicles. ACI Scan Tool allows you to read the vehicle’s diagnostic trouble codes, live vehicle sensors (including wide-band O2 sensors), actuate bi-directional controls, reset adaptations, and view inspection system test results to quickly determine what service the vehicle requires.
Professional Diagnostics
In the professional repair business getting as much coverage as you can is important to effectively and quickly service any vehicle. We offer enhanced coverage options for 43 car brands: Ford/Lincoln/Mercury, GM-family, Chrysler-family Toyota/Lexus/Scion, Mazda,Nissan/Infiniti, BMW/MINI, Land Rover, Honda (Acura),Subaru, Mitsubishi, Isuzu, Porsche,Mercedes, Hyundai/Kia, Jaguar, and Audi/VW.Not Simple Code Reader
So you read your vehicle’s trouble codes, now what? Reading the trouble codes from your vehicle is easy. But without live data and bi-directional controls, you may not have enough information to properly perform the repair. Don’t waste your time or money with simple code readers or hand-held scanners. ACI OBD2 scan tool can not only read your codes,but it can also show you live data, actuate components, and run system tests. With complete coverage, you can get the job done right the first time and prevent dreaded"comeback».NA Emissions and European MOT
You may have known that almost all states are using OBD2-based emission testing for all 1996 and newer passenger vehicles? Now with the 2010 legislation, even the 8500 -10000lb trucks are required to be OBD2 complaint. If you have a Check Engine or Service Engine Soon indicator illuminated, or a specific inspection system monitor test fails, your vehicle will fail its emissions test. With ACI OBD2 scan tool you can inspect your vehicle’s compliance before you wait in line and pay for the test.Tuning Your Vehicle
Read live sensors such as wide-band O2 sensors, fuel adaptation, MAF, ignition timing advance, and lambda readings. If your vehicle supports wide-band O2 sensors, Scan Tool can show you real-time air/fuel mixtures. Finally, data log them all in TXT, CSV, and XML formats with 1ms sampling accuracy.Performance Analyzer
Don’t buy into claims of increased horsepower or added torque; you can verify whether that new, expensive part really works. Do your own dynamometer and acceleration testing at your own convenience and without having to rent expensive dynamometer time.
For our European customers, our enhanced interface options also support Audi/VW, BMW,Chrysler/Dodge, Ford, Jaguar, Mercedes, and Toyota/Lexus diesel engines and the European-specific models.
ACI Enhanced Options:
Ford (EI01) 1995-2010
GM (EI02) 1995-2010
Toyota/Scion/Lexus (EI03) 1995-2010
Chrysler/Dodge/Plymouth/Eagle (EI04) 1996-2010
Mazda (EI05) 1996-2010
Hyundai and Kia (EI09) 1998-2010
Nissan and Infiniti (EI06) 2000-2010
BMW and MINI (EI07) 1996-2010
Honda and Acura (EI08) 1996-2010
Land Rover (EI10) 2002-2010
Jaguar (EI11) 1995-2010
Subaru (EI12) 1999-2010
Porsche (EI13) 1997-2010
Isuzu (EI14) 1996-2010
Mitsubishi (EI15) 1996-2010
Audi / VW (EI16) 1996-2010
Mercedes (EI17) 1998-2010
1.Enhanced interface for Ford (EI01) 1995-2010
Although Ford does implement the largest subset of the OBDII standard, the typical vehicle only supports 20 — 40 sensors and is limited to emissions powertrain. Using the enhanced Ford interface, a typical Ford vehicle will support 200 — 300 sensors within half a dozen systems; that’s essential systems such as ABS, airbags, GEM, ICM, etc.
Our enhanced Ford interface coverage is only matched by factory tools; we have support for 4,800+ sensors selected from 94 systems. Support includes ISO, SCP, CAN, MCAN,and CAN 14229 controllers.
The Ford enhanced interface has support for Ford of Europe diesel models such as Ka,Mondo, Galaxy, Fairlane, etc. Finally, our Ford enhanced has support for non-CAN and CAN 400+ bi-directional commands and dozens of system-level tests. With bi-directional controls, you will no longer be relegated to being just an observer in the operation of the vehicle—now you can take control of its operation.
System Tests:
PATS Timed Key Programming (‘96 — '08)
Power Balance (CAN-based models)
EVAP Bay Test
Service Bleed (Non-CAN support not available with ProLine currently)
Buzz Injector
Cylinder Contribution Test
Switch Test
Glow Plug Test
System Self-Test
Low — and High Speed Fan
All Outputs On/Off
Injector Coding (1.8L and 2.0L)
KAM Reset
Tire Size Programming up to 40» ('99-'03 7.3L, and '04-'07 6.0L)
IVD Initialization
Steering Angle / Yaw Rate / Acceleration Sensor Reset ('03 Explorer and Lincoln LS)
Passenger Seat ReZero
Power Seat Calibration Test
Audio Network Communication Test
Vehicle In-Motion IO Test
Front Wiper Self-Test
Rear Wiper Self-Test
Diesel Particulant Filter Reset, Clear EGR Adaptive Tables, and Clear Fuel Injector Adaptive Tables
2.Enhanced interface for GM (EI02) 1995-2010
Our enhanced GM interface supports 6,400+ sensors selected from the engine,transmission, body, and chassis systems. For you tuners out there, our enhanced GM interface gives you access to the Crank Variation Learned test for most vehicles. Also,with our enhanced GM coverage is support for Workhorse 04+ MY vehicles (P42 Series,W22 Series, W24 Series, W52 Series, LF72 Series, P32 Series, W18 Series, FE20 Series,W42 Series).
Our enhanced GM interface coverage is only matched by factory tools; we have support for 6,000+ sensors selected from all 68 systems. Finally, our enhanced GM has support for 2,000+ bi-directional commands and key system-level tests. With bi-directional controls, you will no longer be relegated to being just an observer in the operation of the vehicle—now you can take control of its operation.
Support includes dual-wire and single-wire CAN powertrain support.
Supports Global-A Vehicles:
Buick Allure
Buick LaCrosse
Cadillac SRX
Chevrolet Camaro
Chevrolet Equinox
GMC Terrain
System Tests:
ABS Automated Bleed Routine (ProLine Connector)
Crank Variation Learn (See: GM-specific vehicle systems for engines support details. )
Injector Flow Rate Programming (CAN Based Diesels)
TDC Learn
3.Enhanced interface for Toyota/Scion/Lexus (EI03) 1995-2010
Our enhanced Toyota interface supports engine, transmission, body, and chassis systems.
System support includes the bi-directional controls and system tests such as Test Mode (Zero Point Calibration) setting for TCS / VSC systems. Additionally this support includes the Generation 1 and Generation 2 hybrids systems such as HV Battery and HV ECU. For these systems we also do support the Information Data #s reported with trouble codes.
System Tests:
Air Bleed — Usual and Master Stroke (ABS)
ECB Utility — ECB Invalid, Zero Down, and Linear Valve Offset Calibration (ABS)
Signal Check (Airbag, ABS, ABS CAN, EFI CAN, EHPS, EMPS, and TPWS)
Reset Memory (EFI, EFI CAN, ABS, ABS CAN)
Clear Records (EMPS and VGRS)
Zero Point Init (EMPS)
Sensitivity Check (OCC)
Inspection Mode (ABS CAN)
Test Mode — Zero Calibration (ABS, ABS CAN, TPWS, and OCC)
4.Enhanced interface for Chrysler/Dodge/Plymouth/Eagle (EI04) 1996-2010
Our enhanced Chrysler interface supports hundreds of sensors selected from the powertrain, body, chassis, and transmission system. It includes hi- and low-speed sensor support giving you more sensors and faster throughput then our competitors. This enhanced interface comes with its own hardware interface specifically designed for Chrysler SCI and CCD based controllers. By doing a stand-alone interface we can offeryou more SCI coverage then our competitors who are limited by electrical issues with generic OBD-II. Also supported is the CR2 and CR3 Sprinter (‘04 — '06), Jeep Liberty Diesel ('05 — '06), diesel Cummins engines, and the Venom equipped Vipers ('08+).
SBEC/JTEC System Tests:
EGR System Test
EVAP System Monitor Service Test
Erase All DTC Fault Codes
Generate Full Field Test
Gov & 3-4 Shift Valve Test — JTEC Only
Leak Detect Pump Test
Purge Vapors Test
Reset All Adaptive Memory Fuel Cells
Reset All Non-Volatile Memory
Reset CAM/Crank Misalignment
Reset CAM, Crank, and Sync Status Record
Reset Duty Cycle Monitor
Reset Engine Running Time Record
Reset Fuel Shut-off Record
Reset Intake Airflow Control Stepper Motor Position
Reset Trip Information
Set Sync Signal — JTEC Only
Set Minimum Throttle Position to Maximum
Torque Converter Clutch Test — JTEC Only
VPW Based System Tests:
ABS Bleed Brakes (EBC325, Mk20e, and Mk25e)
Tire Size Programming
Transmission Rear/Front Wheel Brake Torque Test
Transmission Pump Test
Transmission Quick Learn
Transmission TCC Break-In Test
Transmission Front Wheel Pinion Factor
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Предложение было создано 29.08.2013, дата последнего обновления - 14.11.2013.
С начала размещения предложение было просмотрено 303 раза.