Nissan Consult 4 Infiniti and Newest Renault, Минск

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Описание товара

Nissan Consult-4 is the new generation diagnostic system for Nissan Infiniti and Renault.Nissan Consult-4 is a laptop-based diagnostic system using a Microsoft Windows based user interface. It has a new Hardware platform – laptop PC — and a new Application for diagnostic work.
Nissan Consult 4 for Nissan Infiniti and Newest Renault


Nissan Consult 4 supports all Nissan and Infiniti vehicles from 1996 to Now. And now Nissan Consult 4 support GTR car diagnose.But it needs customers has GTR card.Pls pay attention on it.


1.Diagnostic efficiency and accurate repair Enhanced diagnosis function to CAN network system
2.Downloading of reprogramming data
3.Integration of the VR (Vehicle data recorder) function into VI unit
4.Enhancement of diagnosis capability for future systems
5.Wireless communication (between Nissan Consult-4 and VI/MI units)
6.Big screen display – much more information can be displayed on one screen


1.Support Vehicle Lists:
All Nissan Vehicles,All Infiniti Vehicles and newest Renault Vehicles

2.Nissan Consult-4 OS Requirements:
Windows XP (SP2) or Windows XP (SP3)

3.Nissan Consult-4 Communication Mode:
USB 2.0 and Bluetooth

4.Nissan Consult-4 Languages:
English,Finnish,French,German,Greek,Italian,Japanese,Spanish,Chinese (Traditional),Chinese (Simplified),Russia.

5.Nissan Consult-4 software version:
Software version: Ver

Package list:

1pc x Nissan Consult 4 Main unit
1pc x OBDII 16 Line
1pc x 14PIN Line
1pc x USB Line
1pc x Bluetooth Adapter
1pc x CD
1pc x Carrying Case

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Дата создания модели - 29/08/2013, дата последнего изменения - 14/11/2013. За все время товар был просмотрен 172 раза.

Nissan Consult 4 Infiniti and Newest Renault