We will render services for the promotion of alcoholic beverages and soft drinks in China., Минск

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The Chinese like to pay upon delivery, and Russian plants without an advance payment will not even talk, as such specificity.

In recent years, our company has received many requests from both Russian and foreign companies - producers and traders of food in general and alcohol in particular the proposal to engage in import and distribution of their products in China. However, we already have a range of its protected trademarks, which we have been promoting themselves. Investing in China is still unknown brands, should come from the owners of these brands and their manufacturers, because the only way they can ensure a profitable and long life of its brand. Typically, the manufacturer seeking access to new foreign markets, there are two ways:
The first - to find an importer-distributor, who himself would be interested in buying products on the basis of 100% prepayment and at the lowest possible price FOB or CIF. Most often, this option is "threatened" only have good "untwisted" global or regional brands. And, as a rule, these brands have "joined up" China's large importers and distributors.
The second way to market involves independent work on the creation of an exporter of its own import company or representative office (at first) to own import and sell their products. This option, despite its autonomy and independence from third parties, is associated with large financial investments, the effectiveness of which is not obvious in view of lack of knowledge of how the market will react to new brands and products.
But there is a third way: cooperation with intermediary companies, which will perform all the same functions as if you opened his own company, well, with significant cost savings, which will be directed directly at the development of your brand. In other words, this form of cooperation used to be called "trade house," which united and represented the interests of different manufacturers abroad. These services can provide our company. The company EuroUnico Shanghai Ltd. is engaged in import and distribution of alcoholic beverages in China c January 2013. For the past years, in addition to continuing the active customer base, was acquired extensive experience working with local customs, inspection by the Food and other public services of the PRC. The exhibitions of food and drinks are regularly held in China, more and more participating companies from Russia and other the former Soviet Union who are trying to independently enter the Chinese market with their products. It is the desire to be welcomed, as Russia and other neighboring countries is still too poorly represented in the Chinese market and the increasing number of new products and product range will only lead to an increase in sales, as Russian products will be more popular. However, often, beginners access to the Chinese market is fraught with misunderstanding how the mechanisms of this very specific market, and lack of knowledge of the conditions necessary to promote their products. In connection with this place as the significant costs, starting with delivery of samples for exhibitions, and further more serious problems with wrongly chosen scheme of cooperation to supply goods batches. Taking this into consideration, our company offers to companies interested in entering the Chinese market of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, or have already begun to work with China following services: - advice on interesting products: the situation on the market (demand, sales volume, pricing), customs regulation, inspection of product quality and certification issues - localization of products for the Chinese market (reduction of the appearance and product descriptions to the form and description of the optimal for local consumers) - the protection of trademark and trademark throughout the PRC - rent customs (bonded) and conventional warehouses alcohol and soft drinks (with its own license) in the port of Shanghai, and Guangzhou, and Chengdu - delivery, certification and customs clearance of samples and consignments of alcohol and food products to China. Services importer, agent-distributor. Participation in exhibitions, organizing presentations and other events in China - to assist in the verification of potential customers and the selection of the optimal distribution channels (retail (including trade networks), HORECA, regional wholesale companies, Internet trade). These services can be provided as a package, or separately, depending on the amount of work that is already done to promote the product in China. All services are provided based on the contract and its annexes, which provides a clear and transparent fulfillment by the parties of their obligations and allows the parties in the framework of international trade standards, with minimal risk and high efficiency.

We will be happy to answer your questions and give comments on the proposal by phone +8618501718317 (Mon - Fri. C 10 to 18, while Beijing Time)

or by e-mail: 18501718317@163.com

Contacts in Minsk:

Tel: +375296760129
El. Mail: lvz.kupala@gmail.com
Skype: yurikolomeitsev
Contact person: Yuri Kolomeytsev

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We will render services for the promotion of alcoholic beverages and soft drinks in China.